Monday, April 28, 2014

Thoughts on a Sunny Day (and a Rainy One Too)

Ello Bloggerites, I've decided to mix it up a little today.  In this two sectioned post, I'm going to give you all a little peak behind the door titled "Christopher and God".  This is a rare exclusive back stage pass so I'd savor it I were you.  In addition, in the midst of a recent study break I read some very interesting articles and so I'm including links at the bottom of this post.  I'd love to get your thoughts on any article that stands out to you personally.

Part 1: Sunday (The Sunny Day)
After getting a surprise visit from a friend I was lying in the bed, thinking about God and letting him speak to me (I had just read Psalms 141-145).  I suddenly felt the urge to write and this is what came out (Note, this has been slightly edited for clarity of thought):

"Great is the Lord, My God, and marvelous are his works.  He stands on high yet his attention is with us continually.  He sees into our greatest, deepest, desires and turns them first towards him, and then he answers them in his perfect timing, for our best benefit. 

Great is our Abba, who delivers us from evil, both self-inflicted and outside of our control.  He allows us to be like him, the express image of his creation and being; the prize of his heart, the apple of his eye, the prize jewel and crown of his creation.  He sets eternity in our hearts and places the answers within himself, drawing us closer to him each day. 

The Dwelling place of the Lord is with man, nay, is with ME.  He who knew only perfection and perfect intimacy with the Father, forsake it all, in order to restore humanity to the place he had intend; not because he has need of us, but because he desires us, all of us.

If he is the creator of all humanity, why would he only choose certain individuals to receive salvation? If he gave Adam and Eve the choice to choose him when they were surrounded by his goodness, did he not send Jesus to put us all in that position? 

We all choose between the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  Will we submit to God and receive freedom and life, or chose to become the gods of our lives and receive bondage and death?  This is the story of the world. "

Part 2: Monday (The Rainy Day)

This is not an exclusive list but I'll post the other articles with another post to keep the list manageable.  I found these articles to be quite thought provoking; as always, post your thoughts in the comments.





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